
Components and principles of quality assurance

Three main components of study quality system are:


Good quality study programs. Need for a new program is assessed and profile for future specialist defined before developing a new program. Both University teachers and social partners take part in program development. Existing study programs are regularly analyzed and updated by improving contents of the program and intended learning outcomes. Quality and improvement of study programs is responsibility of Study Program Committees, consisting of teachers, as well as student and social partners' representatives.


Competent teachers, fit for delivering study programs. Certification of teachers includes assessment of teachers professional competence, research activities, educational development as well as  student opinion. University provides possibilities to improve educational skills, University Center for Teachers Educational Competence organizes competence improvement courses for teachers.


Student need oriented study process. Study regulations are clearly defined in the university with set procedures for study schedules, student achievement assessment, appeals and reassessments, social and academic support. Students with special needs, or spending some time in other institutions on exchange programs, according to Study Regulations can study by individualized schedule.


Level of study quality is assured by these fundamental principles and processes:


Student and social partner participation in decision making. Student representatives take part in all bodies, concerned with studies from highest ruling bodies (University Council, Senate, faculty councils) to committees and work groups. Social partners help to ensure that program contents, knowledge and skills students acquire, are up to date and correspond to labor market needs.


Collection and analysis of information, important for quality assessment. Various quantitative and qualitative data, describing study process and study quality is collected – surveys of student, teacher and alumni opinion, statistical data, discussions on selected study quality topics. Collected information is analyzed, assessed in Study Quality Monitoring and Assurance Commission  and University governing bodies: Rectorate, faculty councils, Senate. 


Feedback about assessment results and study quality improvement measures. Results of study quality assessment are presented not only to governing bodies of the university, but also academic community: main assessment results are published in the university weekly paper, quality section of the university web page. Public information about study quality raises community awareness, helps to develop quality culture in the institution.