
The Faculty of Pharmacy


The Faculty of Pharmacy at the Medical Academy of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU) is an academic unit that trains high-quality pharmacy professionals and focuses on the core of pharmaceutical science knowledge and expertise. The faculty has a responsible and united community and actively fostered values and traditions of European pharmacy. The graduates of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the LSMU are successful career-oriented and modern speciality demand-orientated specialists in patient care, openness to innovation and interdisciplinary changes, and teamwork in health care professional groups.

The objectives of the Faculty of Pharmacy are:

  • to train highly competent specialists to carry out pharmaceutical activities in various fields of health-area, which can solve the most important scientific problems, adapt to changing market environment and, in active collaboration with organizations and institutions, to increase public health;
  • to carry out and disseminate relevant research in the field of pharmacy and related sciences;
  • to ensure the quality of the study program and the compliance of the qualifications awarded with national and international requirements;
  • to form a unified attitude of students, lecturers and employers in the achievements of pharmaceutical science and studies as well as the directions for their improvement.

For the implementation of these objectives, the Faculty cooperates closely with the various structural and functional departments of the LSMU, academic, professional, non-governmental, governmental, business organizations and individuals of Lithuania and foreign countries. Headquarters of the Faculty of Modern Pharmacy - The Centre for Advanced Pharmaceutical and Health Technologies. The Faculty of Pharmacy has 5 departments, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technologies and the Dean‘s office. The faculty currently employs 85 people, 60% is education staff, 13% comprise research staff, 11% - administrative staff and 16% - support staff (laboratory technicians).












The origins of the Faculty of Pharmacy are the Pharmaceutical section of the Higher Courses established in 1920. Having opened the University of Lithuania in Kaunas in 1922, the Pharmacy Division with the Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy was established in the Faculty of Medicine and was headed by prof. P. Raudonikis. Graduates of the Pharmacy Division were awarded a diploma in chemistry - pharmacy (158 diplomas). In 1948 The Pharmacy Division was reorganized and a separate Faculty of Pharmacy was created, whose first dean became prof. B. Šiaulis. In 1951, the Kaunas Institute of Medicine was established, with the joint unit of Pharmacy-Dentistry faculty. The joint faculty was reorganized into two separate faculties in 1968. The Faculty of Pharmacy was headed by the deans: assoc. prof. L. Toliušis (1968 - 1972), prof. A. Praškevičius (1972 - 1977), and assoc. prof. E. Tarasevičius (1977 - 1991). In the period of 1940 – 1989, 2619 graduates were awarded a diploma of pharmacist. After the restoration of Lithuania's independence, the Faculty of Pharmacy was headed by the Deans: assoc. prof. F. Malinauskas (1991 - 1996), prof. P. Vainauskas (1996 - 2007), prof. V. Briedis (2007 - 2017), prof. R. Morkūnienė (since 2017). The latter faculty period has been characterized by significant scientific and infrastructural development. In the year of 2014 the Faculty of Pharmacy was transferred to the modern equipped premises of the Centre of the advanced pharmaceutical and health technologies, which enabled the highest level of pharmaceutical research, studies and competence development.














The Faculty of Pharmacy conducts integrated, second and third cycle studies:

(1)   Integrated study program "Pharmacy" (Health Sciences - G05 Pharmacy) in Lithuanian and English languages;

(2)   The second cycle program "Medical Chemistry" (Physical Sciences -C01 Chemistry).

(3)   The doctoral studies in the biomedical field, pharmacy (08B).

The Integrated Study Program "Pharmacy" is a multidisciplinary program that covers health, life, social and physical sciences. The study program focuses on the development of practical, management and leadership, development of educational and research competencies of the pharmacy specialists. The program is based on the transfer and application of the modern knowledge and methods of pharmacy in practice, understanding of health policy, coordination and management of pharmaceutical services, preparation for academic and research work. The Master's degree in Pharmacy from the LSMU is the evidence of the preparation for execution of pharmaceutical activities, advanced scientific knowledge- based professional development, research and continuation of university studies in the chosen PhD program.

Faculty graduates pursue their careers in pharmacies, drug wholesale companies, pharmaceutical industrial companies, pharmaceutical representative companies, pharmaceutical research laboratories, health care system and related institutions.

The second cycle program "Medical Chemistry" is an exclusive joint program of Lithuanian higher education leader institutions – Kaunas University of Technology and LSMU, which combines the highest competences of the fields of close studies and research, the academic and practical potential of the chemistry, biology, pharmacy and other branches of science for the preparation of specialists in the drug development and industrial development areas. The aim of the study is to train qualified, motivated and creative professionals with deep knowledge and research skills in medical chemistry and ability to form and solve problems of the medical chemistry science and pharmaceutical industry. This study program trains students who seek to work in high-tech science and industry companies that develop, manufacture, or supply pharmaceutical products. After acquiring a Master's degree in Pharmacy, graduates can continue their Ph.D. programs in pharmacy by deepening their research capabilities and solving various issues in applied and fundamental pharmaceutical science. Doctoral students are supervised by scientists of the international level in the field of pharmacy, students can use the unique scientific facilities, the University's material and academic resources for interdisciplinary studies and research. Students are being admitted to PhD studies at the Pharmacy Faculty annually, the increasing number of master graduates chooses the PhD studies.











Scientific research

The main field of research is B000 Biomedical sciences, the dominant research direction is 08B Pharmacy, but solutions to modern scientific problems are not possible without interdisciplinarity. Interdisciplinary research in the field of pharmacy and close directions is a fundamental and applied research focused on experimental development and innovation, providing high value-added scientific services to individuals and legal entities, and the education of researchers and specialists.

Areas of research activities:

(1)   development and technological functionalization of medicinal substances and products (studies of bioactivity, drug composition, transport and stability);

(2)   studies on the chemical composition, biodiversity, bioactivity and product development of herbal medicinal products;

(3)   development and application of methodologies for the analysis of biologically active substances;

(4)   in vitro and in vivo studies of the biological activity of medicinal substances and products.

Faculty scientists participate in the implementation of national and high-level international research projects, co-operate with Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and food supplements and pharmaceutical manufacturers: „Profarma“, „Rūko karoliai“ "Driu beauty", "Pupa supa", "Grožio chirurgai", Innovative Pharma Baltic, "Aconitum", “Valerijonas” pharmacy and many others. Doctoral studies are constantly being conducted at the Faculty of Pharmacy, which are being selected by more and more graduates of the Master's degree in pharmacy.











Faculty traditions

The faculty has several special days, which unite and provide rising above the routine. It's September the 1st Day, Faculty Graduation Day, February the 16th Day and March 11th Day, Annual Pharmacy Conference, Faculty Christmas Event. The faculty students' events have also become traditional: “Fuksai” camp, Pharmacy Day, Dame and Gentleman's Evening, and the Festival of Studies Medium. Future pharmacists are active participants in various student organizations (Student Pharmacists' Society, Student Science Association, and Student Representative Office).

Student Pharmacists' Society

Student Pharmacists' Society (SPS) was founded in 1926 In Kaunas. The SPS has continuously been growing and improving, and its areas of activities have been expanding. SPS is a professional, non-profit organization that unites Lithuanian pharmaceutical students and works for the benefit of the academic community and the Lithuanian society.

SPS aims:

(1)   to expand the possibilities of student pharmacists for achievements, to ensure that every member of the society develops his or her personality, acquires maximum professional knowledge;

(2)   to increase the interest in the profession of the pharmacist;

(3)   to promote communication and cooperation between members of the society;

(4)   to develop professional and cultural relations between student pharmacists and pharmaceutical specialists in Lithuania and abroad;

(5)   to encourage the participation of SPS members in international student exchange programs;

(6)   to participate in the development of study programs and processes.

SPS activities: to inform the society and the university community on relevant topics on health, disease prevention and treatment; to organize social events for pharmacy students; to organize training sessions for SFD members; to collaborate with foreign Pharmacy Students' societies. The unique and only pharmacy faculty newspaper Panacea is being published since 2000. The newspaper contains relevant information for the faculty members and the university community.

SPS has 104 official members.

Faculty Management and Committees

Faculty Council

Pharmacy Study Program Committee

Faculty Staff Attestation Committee (Chair: prof. Liudas Ivanauskas (Faculty of Pharmacy), prof. Valdas Jakštas (Faculty of Pharmacy), secretary: assoc. prof. Giedre Kasparavičienė (Faculty of Pharmacy) Members: prof. Daiva Leskauskaitė (Kaunas University of Technology), prof. Jolanta Liesiene (Kaunas University of Technology), prof. Nijolė Večkienė (Vytautas Magnus University), Uršulė Kalvaitytė (Faculty of Pharmacy, student).

Regular Committee on Studies and Science (Chair prof. N. Savickienė, assoc. prof. R. Radžiūnas, assoc. prof. R. Marksienė, Dr V. Skyrius, stud. B. Marciuškaitė, stud. D. Naglytė, pharmacist E. Dieninytė).

Qualification Committee (Chair prof. Vilma Petrikaitė, members: assoc. prof. Lina Raudonė, assoc. prof. Giedrė Kasparavičienė, assoc. prof. Jurgita Daukšienė, assoc. prof. Daiva Kazlauskienė, assoc. prof. Asta Marija Inkėnienė, prof. Artūras Kašauskas).

Regulatory documents:

Faculty of Pharmacy Information leaflet