

Paid services

Paid services of LSMU Library and Information Centre are provided following Libraries‘ Law of Lithuanian Republic No.IX-2378 (Žin., 2004, No.120-4431)  article 4th, item 9th  and order No.ĮV-502 dated  02-11-2005 of LR Minister of Culture “Concerning confirmation of the list of pay services provided by libraries established by state or municipalities“ and LSMU Rector‘s order No. V-17 (02 01 2014).

LSMU Rector‘s orders (latest versions): No. V-375 (04 2017), No. V-387 (08 2014).

Information services (Information Services Department, 3rd floor, room No.304)

 Making bibliographic lists – 1,50 Eur.*

* - Phone no. : (8 37) 39 60 40, e-mail

Copying/printing service works with copy card sold at the Library (Computer Laboratory, 4th floor) for 3. Please use 10, 20, 50 euro ct, 1 € end 2 € coins.

Copying – printing (copying - 2nd floor, printing - 4th floor, Veterinary Academy Library)


 one sided copy A4 format – 0,03 Eur;
 two-sided copy A4 format – 0,06 Eur.

 Printing: plain copy 1 page – 0,06 Eur;
 Printing: colour copy 1 page – 0,48 Eur.

Binding documents (4th floor)

 Ordinary cover:

spiral coil binding – 0,60 Eur;
• metal channel binding  – 1,20 Eur.

 Hard cover:

 metal channel binding – 3,00 Eur.  

Interlibrary loan services (Information Services Department, 3th floor, room No.304)

 Pay for copies of articles or books borrowed from Lithuanian libraries is according to the invoice provided by sending library.
 The copies of journal articles ordered from Germany library service network “SUBITO“:

• A copy of article up to 20 pages – 8,00 Eur;

 A copy of article from journals with contractual author‘s fee – 12,00 Eur;

 Borrowing a book – 15,00 Eur borrowing fee and book returning expenses following post services tariffs in Lithuanian Republic.

 Ordering copies  of journals‘ articles from other foreign libraries and information services is paid according to the provided  invoice, including bank operations fees.
 Books lending service  from foreign libraries fee is according to the provided invoice by lending library. Expenses of ordering a book and returning a book are according to valid post services tariffs of Lithuanian Republic and bank operations fees.


Other Services

Information Services Department

Information specialists:

 perform  search for information in the medicine database PubMed (Medline) and search for full text articles 
 order the copies of journal articles, books from Lithuanian and foreign libraries (TBA – Pay services).
 organize various training courses.
 consult about search of literature in the main biomedicine databases, about search of full text articles in the subscribed  databases.
 consult, help to submit and confirm  metadata of Master thesis and doctoral dissertations, summaries in the database ETD IS.
 place electronic documents of LSMU scientific publications to CRIS.
 scan various documents. Help to prepare, make layout, print posters.
 organize excursions in the library.


 register the scientific publications of LSMU employees;
 provide bibliographic lists of scientific publications, which can be printed or sent by e-mail;
 consult about the questions of making bibliographic lists and citing;
 provide for information the final papers to be maintained for degree.

Bibliographers: Phone no.: (8 37) 39 60 40, e-mail:

In the reading rooms:

The 2nd floor (Newspapers. Medicine) 

 Publications are read in the reading room. Only publications which have a special mark are lent to home;
 The newspapers of current year are stored there;
 New books are exhibited. The publications of WHO are stored there;
 Self-service copying/scanning.

The 3rd floor (Scientific journals. Medicine and sciences linked with medicine)

 Publications are read in the reading room. Only publications having special mark are lent to home;
 The journals of current year and of 4 previous years are stored there;
 The new books are exhibited;

The 4th floor (Medicine. Humanities, Social, Physical sciences, the documents of WHO)

 The publications are read in the reading room. The fiction and books with special mark on them are lent to home;
 The new books are exhibited.

In Veterinary Academy Library (Tilžės g. 18):

 Self check-in and chek-out machines;
 There are 2 reading rooms with 86 work places, 20 of them are computerized, 45 – with connection;
 There is possibility to use internet and there is wireless internet connection;
 Copying and printing pay services are provided according to the tariffs confirmed by LSMU;
 The library users are consulted about search for scientific information in the databases;
 Bibliographic and actual information is given;
 There are consultations given on the subjects of compiling bibliographic schedule and literature list;
 The users of information are taught the main principles of work with electronic library;
 Thematic exhibitions and exhibitions of the new books are organized.

Group Study Room Reservation:

 There is possibility to order video projector and portable computer for work in the group studying classes.