Productive week in Berlin

Closing to the end of March Simona Černiauskienė and Agnė Jašauskaitė, international programme coordinators, visited Berlin to represent the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and to perform two entrance examinations for applicants who are supposed to join the University’s academic community in the coming September.

Twenty-two applicants sat the test of biology and chemistry and had interviews with the LSMU representatives. The prospective students showed good knowledge during the test, and 16 applicants were invited to study general medicine, 3 – odontology, 1 – veterinary medicine and 1 – pharmacy. The students have heard many positive reviews about LSMU and wanted to join their friends and relatives who are already studying at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences.  

Presentation about LSMU was delivered after the completion of exam, prospective students were introduced to the structure of the University, study programmes available in English, applied study methods and students' life.

Simona and Agnė were satisfied with the outcomes of Berlin’s visit. All the young, passionate and smart people were given the opportunities to study at LSMU and join our international community of medical academics that made the trip fruitful for the institution and the young individuals alike.

Text&photos: Simona Černiauskienė