Interlibrary loan
Requests can be made at Information Services Department (3rd floor, room 304). You can also call tel.: (8-37) 39 60 40 (local 5330) or write an e-mail:
How to make a request?
1. Please provide accurate data (provided in bold):
1.1. for an article - author (authors), title, publication source data (title of the journal, year, volume, page number);
Ex.: Ohno Y, Fujiya H, Goto A, Nakamura A, Nishiura Y, Sugiura T, Ohira Y, Yoshioka T, Goto K. Microcurrent electrical nerve stimulation facilitates regrowth of mouse soleus muscle. Int J Med Sci. 2013, 10(10):1286-94
1.2. for a book - author (authors)/editor (editors), title, year, publishing house, page number.
Ex.: T.C. Aw, K. Gardiner, J.M. Harrington, Occupational health, Malden (Mass): Blackwell Publishing, 2013. 364 p.
2. The borrowed document return date is indicated by the document lending library.
Request number is unlimited. You will be informed about the received documents/copies via e-mail or phone.
ILL is a paid service issued in a paid service tariff decree by LSMU Rector in 2017, April 20, Order No. V-375:
- The cost of document lending (specified by the document lending library) and the cost of forwarding postage shall be paid by the customer.
- Copies of articles are paid for by the customer and become the property of the customer.
- The placed request does not guarantee acquisition of the document or copy.
- These documents are not lent via ILL:
2.1. Information publications: encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries, etc.
2.2. Periodicals.
2.3. Old, rare and valuable documents.
2.4. Unique documents.