Paid services
Paid services of LSMU Library and Information Centre are provided following Libraries‘ Law of Lithuanian Republic No.IX-2378 (Žin., 2004, No.120-4431) article 4th, item 9th and order No.ĮV-502 dated 02-11-2005 of LR Minister of Culture “Concerning confirmation of the list of pay services provided by libraries established by state or municipalities“ and LSMU Rector‘s order No. V-17 (02 01 2014).
LSMU Rector‘s orders (latest versions): No. V-375 (04 2017), No. V-387 (08 2014).
Information services (Information Services Department, 3rd floor, room No.304)
❏ Making bibliographic lists – 1,50 Eur.** - Phone no. : (8 37) 39 60 40, e-mail
Copying/printing service works with copy card sold at the Library (Computer Laboratory, 4th floor) for 3 €. Please use 10, 20, 50 euro ct, 1 € end 2 € coins.
Copying – printing (copying - 2nd floor, printing - 4th floor, Veterinary Academy Library)
❏ Copying:• one sided copy A4 format – 0,03 Eur;
• two-sided copy A4 format – 0,06 Eur.
❏ Printing: colour copy 1 page – 0,48 Eur.
Binding documents (4th floor)
❏ Ordinary cover:• spiral coil binding – 0,60 Eur;
• metal channel binding – 1,20 Eur.
• metal channel binding – 3,00 Eur.
Interlibrary loan services (Information Services Department, 3th floor, room No.304)
❏ Pay for copies of articles or books borrowed from Lithuanian libraries is according to the invoice provided by sending library.❏ The copies of journal articles ordered from Germany library service network “SUBITO“:
• A copy of article up to 20 pages – 8,00 Eur;
• A copy of article from journals with contractual author‘s fee – 12,00 Eur;
• Borrowing a book – 15,00 Eur borrowing fee and book returning expenses following post services tariffs in Lithuanian Republic.
❏ Ordering copies of journals‘ articles from other foreign libraries and information services is paid according to the provided invoice, including bank operations fees.❏ Books lending service from foreign libraries fee is according to the provided invoice by lending library. Expenses of ordering a book and returning a book are according to valid post services tariffs of Lithuanian Republic and bank operations fees.
Other Services
Information Services Department
Information specialists:
❏ perform search for information in the medicine database PubMed (Medline) and search for full text articles❏ order the copies of journal articles, books from Lithuanian and foreign libraries (TBA – Pay services).
❏ organize various training courses.
❏ consult about search of literature in the main biomedicine databases, about search of full text articles in the subscribed ❏ databases.
❏ consult, help to submit and confirm metadata of Master thesis and doctoral dissertations, summaries in the database ETD IS.
❏ place electronic documents of LSMU scientific publications to CRIS.
❏ scan various documents. Help to prepare, make layout, print posters.
❏ organize excursions in the library.
❏ provide bibliographic lists of scientific publications, which can be printed or sent by e-mail;
❏ consult about the questions of making bibliographic lists and citing;
❏ provide for information the final papers to be maintained for degree.
Bibliographers: Phone no.: (8 37) 39 60 40, e-mail:
In the reading rooms:
The 2nd floor (Newspapers. Medicine)
❏ Publications are read in the reading room. Only publications which have a special mark are lent to home;
❏ The newspapers of current year are stored there;
❏ New books are exhibited. The publications of WHO are stored there;
❏ Self-service copying/scanning.
The 3rd floor (Scientific journals. Medicine and sciences linked with medicine)
❏ Publications are read in the reading room. Only publications having special mark are lent to home;
❏ The journals of current year and of 4 previous years are stored there;
❏ The new books are exhibited;
The 4th floor (Medicine. Humanities, Social, Physical sciences, the documents of WHO)
❏ The publications are read in the reading room. The fiction and books with special mark on them are lent to home;
❏ The new books are exhibited.
In Veterinary Academy Library (Tilžės g. 18):
❏ Self check-in and chek-out machines;
❏ There are 2 reading rooms with 86 work places, 20 of them are computerized, 45 – with connection;
❏ There is possibility to use internet and there is wireless internet connection;
❏ Copying and printing pay services are provided according to the tariffs confirmed by LSMU;
❏ The library users are consulted about search for scientific information in the databases;
❏ Bibliographic and actual information is given;
❏ There are consultations given on the subjects of compiling bibliographic schedule and literature list;
❏ The users of information are taught the main principles of work with electronic library;
❏ Thematic exhibitions and exhibitions of the new books are organized.
❏ There is possibility to order video projector and portable computer for work in the group studying classes.