- News 1
LSMU Rector Declares His Compassion for Victims of Terror Attacks
The night of 13 November deeply touched not only French people hearts. This night brought the loss and sadness in the whole Europe, including Lithuania. This tragedy invites us once again to think about liberty, equality and fraternity ideas, which were born in the cradle of the French culture. I do believe that these values will help us gather together, recover and move forwards, just the same as they have brought the piece and goodness for French people in the past.
We cannot forget people of Beirut and Bagdad, to whom the last days brought so much pain and so many losses. It is very difficult time when we need to learn to forgive instead of growing anger and to create instead of destroying.
As the Rector of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, the French honorary consul in Kaunas and a human being of the globe, I declare very sincere compassion for those who were touched and their families, and call you to hold a minute of silence to honour the victims of the terror attacks in Paris together with all LSMU community today, on 16 November, at 1:00 pm (at noon according to the Central European time).
Prof. Remigijus Žaliūnas
LSMU Rector