Hackathon “INNOVATION HACK. Society goes green!”

Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA) invites you to participate in sustainability hackathon “INNOVATION HACK. Society goes green!” which will take place on 19th through 21st of November 2021 at the science and innovation centre – KTU Santaka valley.

The aim of this 3 day long hackathon is to find new and innovative solutions for sustainability, help solve big environmental problems society faces with the help of newest technologies. During the “INNOVATION HACK” event participants will be researching new ways to use and recycle materials efficiently, help preserve the wildlife, lower the pollution, track and trace the polluters. It will also look into changes that van be made in the infrastructure of the cities in order to lower the vehicle emission and many other solutions that would help reduce humanity’s ecological footprint.

You have an idea that you would like to try and implement? For this hackathon we invite you to put your own ideas forward, register them and maybe it will be chosen to become the final challenge of the “INNOVATION HACK. Society goes green! Hackathon.

Each team in this hackathon should have no less than 4 but not more than 6 members. Each team member should fill out a separate registration form stating the name of the team in the designated place.

“INNOVATION HACK. Society goes green!” challenges:

1. Which raw materials and how we could use more efficiently so that the use of the toxic ones would decrease?
Solution needed: effective replacement of toxic materials to non-toxic whilst reducing the need of toxic usage.

2. How to adapt new and advanced technologies so that it could be used to monitor the safety and tracking of the illegal activities by the country border as well as decreasing the interference of the special equipment and personnel whilst which negatively impacts the natural living conditions of the fauna in the area (conservation of the natural migration routes, safety of the young animals, decreased usage of sounds that scare and interrupt the animals)?
Solution needed: tool/measure that allows to ensure the safety of the country border and tracking of the illegal activities in an sustainable way while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the natural fauna in the area.

3. What technologically advanced measures can be used to ensure the tracing of the polluters and therefore helping with the environmental pollution issue?
Solution needed: technologically advanced tool which would help to reduce pollution that can capture the polluters from the air while being managed remotely.

4. How the city infrastructure should be changed and what new sources of energy and (or) measures could be used so that the traffic in the cities would become more efficient and would therefore reduce pollution?
Solution needed: the changes in infrastructure of the cities that would ease the traffic and would allow the transport to move more efficiently which would reduce the pollution from vehicle emission.

5. How to attract more people to recycling and successfully integrate new technologies into this field?
Solution needed: development of mobile apps that would add “smart” functionalities for the waste container.

6. Challenge - OFFER YOUR OWN IDEA!

REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE UNTIL 10th OF NOVEMBER: https://forms.gle/ykohpLh5ohACXzfv7

Participants will be required to show Digital COVID Certificate in order to attend the event!