- Structure
- Medical Academy
- Faculty of Odontology
- Clinical Departments
Clinical Departments
Department of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry
LSMU MA Faculty of Odontology
Department of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry
Address: J. Lukšos-Daumanto str. 6, LT-50106 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 388192
E-mail: vaikstom@lsmuni.lt

Head of the Department of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry
Phone: +370 37 411236
E-mail: julija.narbutaite@lsmuni.lt
Dovilė Guobužaitė
Study administrator
Phone: +370 37 388192
E-mail: dovile.guobuzaite@lsmuni.lt
About Department
Students’ education, patients’ treatment, conducting research in the field, continuing education for dentists are main activities of the Depertment of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry. Third year Dental students are studying Prevention of Oral Diseases, fourth and fifth year - Paediatric Dentistry, and Clinical Practice in Paediatric Dentistry. A considerable part of the studies for first, second, third and fourth year Dental Hygiene students is provided by the department. The undergraduate curriculum in Paediatric Dentistry is focusing on all topics within the subject of paediatric dentistry. Considerable part of the curriculum comprises clinical practice supervised by the teachers who are experienced clinicians as well. Lectures, seminars, small-group tutorials, clinical practice, self-studies are components of the studies with an individual critical evaluation of scientific literature.

Field of research – analysis of dental caries and periodontal diseases etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and treatment methods in children and adults, the supervisor - prof. Julija Narbutaitė.
Current research includes the epidemiology, etiology, prevention and minimal invasive treatment of dental disease in children and young people. The research takes place in collaboration with researchers within and outside the department, including international.
Postgraduate studies
Postgraduate education in Paediatric Dentistry is 3 years programme aiming to train the postgraduate students become competent specialists in their field. Patients’ treatment competences are obtained during treatment of a great number of different patients from 0 to 18 years of age.
Clinical practice
The department accepts patients reffered for dental treatment from all regions of the country. Patients with early childhood caries, complicated traumatic dental injuries, diseases of hard dental tissues, periodontal and oral musoca diseases, rare genetic disorders are consulted. Minimal invasive technique in operative dental caries treatment is applied. The specialists have special competences within dental treatment under general anaesthesia. A considerable attention is focused on preparation and implementation of programmes of dental caries prevention. Proffesional oral hygiene is performed, besides personal risk of caries development is evaluated
Department of Orthodontics
LSMU MA Faculty of Odontology
Department of Orthodontics
Address: J. Lukšos-Daumanto str. 6, LT-50106 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 387560
E-mail: ortodontai@lsmuni.lt

Prof. Kristina Lopatienė
Head of the Department of Orthodontics
Phone: +370 37 387560
E-mail: kristina.lopatiene@lsmuni.lt
Eglė Baltrušaitytė
Study administrator
Phone: +370 37 387560
E-mail: egle.baltrusaityte@lsmuni.lt
About Department
The department of Orthodontics was established in 1996 and today it is a leading centre of educational, research and patient care in Lithuania. The undergraduate course in orthodontics is presented in Lithuanian and English languages for IVth and Vth course students of Odontology and IVth course students of Dental Hygiene. The main task of the undergraduate course – to provide the basic knowledge in normal prenatal and postnatal growth of the face, development of dentition and occlusion; to explain etiological factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of malocclusion development; to explain principles of orthodontic treatment planning, introduce to contemporary treatment techniques and preventive procedures and appliances; to teach understand risk - benefit appraisal for the individual patient and adverse effects of treatment; to train graduate to treat simple orthodontic cases whilst being able to recognize and advise parents on the treatment of more complex problems. Orthodontic treatment for adults is also considered.
The facilities include a modern orthodontic clinic and dental laboratory for appliance construction and plaster work, a reception and waiting area, a computer and data-processing room, premises for clinical photography, a seminar room and an auditorium.
The main field of the research is epidemiology and ethiopathogenesis of the oro-facial deformities and malocclusion, the supervisor - prof. Antanas Šidlauskas. For implementation of this tasks a multidisciplinary team including orthodontists, molecular biologists and biostatisticians from Lithuanian University of Health Sciences has been created and close cooperation with Oulu university (Finland) and Cardiff university (Wales) is established.
The running research projects are:
- Genetic and environmental influences on human third molar development. The major sources of human dental variability are genes, environment and epigenetic mechanisms regulating gene expression. The structural equation modelling applied in twin studies can provide estimates of the proportion of the total phenotypic variation attributable to additive genetic effects, shared environmental, and unique environmental components. Therefore, assessment of the role of genetics and environmental factors could have implications for understanding of processes related to third molar impaction, agenesis and displaced localization.

- Relationship between orthodontic treatment need and oral health-related quality of life. At the population level, the identification of weak points within oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) is important as it helps to uncover the needs of individuals in the society and thus direct public health actions and policies more effectively toward the prevention and treatment of occlusal disorders. Because socio-demographic factors may influence OHRQoL, the nature and magnitude of impacts may in fact vary between populations of different cultural backgrounds. Therefore, similar studies conducted in varying countries, including Lithuania, have their own inherent value and may be of interest.
The PhD program in Orthodontics is available with experience mentors in the field.
Postgraduate studies
The postgraduate programme in Orthodontics takes 3 years and includes instruction and extensive experience in diagnostics and treatment planning, facial growth and development, biomechanics and interdisciplinary procedures. Residents have an opportunity of treating the full range of different malocclusions in children and adults in a state-of-the-art orthodontic facility. An original research project intended to produce results suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal is required for obtaining the Certificate of specialist in Orthodontics. PhD studies after completion postgraduate program are available as well.
Clinical practice
Department of Orthodontics is the only specialized university clinic in Lithuania providing treatment the most complex orthodontic anomalies. The special attention is given to early treatment, occlusal guidance and the prevention of anomalies. Professional application of modern orthodontic treatment methods and technics starting with mini-screws, variety of bracket systems, Herbst appliance and ending with Invisalign helps us to create a perfect smile, harmonious soft tissue and stabile occlusions for children, adolescents and adults. There is established good cooperation with other dental specialists (oral and maxillo-facial surgeons, periodontologists, prosthetic and paediatric dentists) to manage complex cleft and surgical cases.
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
LSMU MA Faculty of Odontology
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
Address: Eiveniu str. 2, LT-50161 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 327041
E-mail: veido.zandikauliu.chirurgijos.klinika@kaunoklinikos.lt

Prof. Dainius Razukevičius
Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery
Phone: +370 37 327177
E-mail: dainius.razukevicius@lsmu.lt
Violeta Kapočaitė
Study administrator
Phone: +370 37 327041
E-mail: violeta.kapocaite@lsmuni.lt
About Department
The aim of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department is to prepare high qualification specialists, improve and apply new teaching methods, carry out scientific research and clinical practice. Provide Odontology and Oral hygiene students with oral and maxillofacial surgery theory and practice. Oral and maxillofacial surgery subject is being taught for III-V year Odontology and VI year Medicine students in Lithuanian and English. Oral hygiene students are introduced to oral care peculiarities after maxillofacial surgeries. In Maxillofacial Surgery Department, there is Maxillofacial surgery club of LSMU Student scientific society, where students from Odontology and Medicine faculties are actively involved.

Main topic for clinic‘s research is optimization of maxillofacial diseases diagnostics and treatment, investigation of biologic materials, regenerative medicine and health technologies, the supervisor prof. habil. dr. Ričardas Kubilius.
Scientific projects at Department of Maxillofacial Surgery:
• Alveolar ridge and buccal bone wall resorption evaluation after filling with xenograft, allograft and PRGF
• Perspectives of tissue engineering in bone regeneration
• Development of new complex pathogenetic treatment method of progressive peri-implant tissue inflammation
• Immediate implant placement in the aesthetic zone – treatment methods, based on alveolar morphology, and aesthetic evaluation
• Creation of new instrument for buccal alveolar bony wall thickness evaluation
• Qualitative evaluation of jaw bony structure and bone defects‘ regeneration with bioengineering methods
• Evaluation of maxillary sinus and surrounding tissues anatomy changes after loss of one or more teeth
• Pre-analgesia effect on different psychoemotional patient groups during 3rd molar extractions
• Bisphosphonate related jaw osteonecrosis: optimization of treatment plan and prophylaxis.
• Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of facial pain
• PRGF use in treatment of patients with myofascial syndrome in the face
• Immune response to different bone graft materials
Project with JSC Baltic Orthoservice “Contract for the provision of research services“, project supervisor prof. habil. dr. Ričardas Kubilius.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department cooperates with Kaunas University of Technologies, Vilnius University, Riga Stradins (Latvia), Tartu (Estonia), Oulu (Finland), Hacettepe (Turkey), Granada (Spain), Michigan (US), Porto (Portugal) universities.
Postgraduate studies
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery provides these residencies:
• Oral surgery for Odontology program graduates
• Maxillofacial surgery for Medicine program graduates
During PhD studies, students increase theoretical knowledge in maxillofacial surgery and participate in scientific research.
Clinical practice
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery is one of three specialized inpatient departments, where care is given for maxillofacial patients. Patients with maxillofacial trauma, infections, oncology, neurostomatologic diseases, congenital and acquired defects and deformations, salivary pathology are treated. Neurostomatologic diseases and temporomandibular joint surgical treatment is provided only at this facility in Lithuania.
Department of Prosthodontics
LSMU MA Faculty of Odontology
Department of Prosthodontics
Address: Sukilėlių pr. 51, LT-50106 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 337552
E-mail: dantu.ortopedijos.klinika@kaunoklinikos.lt

Head of the Department of Prosthodontics
Phone: +370 37 337171
E-mail: gediminas.zekonis@lsmu.lt
Jurgita Atitonė
Study administrator
Phone: +370 37 337551
E-mail: jurgita.barcaite@lsmuni.lt
About Department
In 1991, the Department of Therapeutic and Orthopedic Stomatology passed reorganization into two clinical departments – Department of Therapeutic Stomatology and Department of Prosthodontics. In 1996, two independent clinical departments were established: Department of Orthodontics and Department of Orthopedic Stomatology, in 2003 renamed into Department of Prosthodontics.
Department of Prosthodontics is one of several healthcare institutions in Lithuania that combine educational, scientific, and clinical experience in the field of orthopedic odontology. The staff actively participates in the preparation of the regulations concerning healthcare and contributes to the implementation of the prevention program of dental diseases among Lithuanian people.

Training Laboratory of Prosthetic Dentistry is a part of the department. Modern technologies are employed for the production of all types of orthopedic devices and fixed and removable dental prostheses. In this Laboratory, students master the main principles of the manufacturing of dental prostheses and therapeutic devices.
The X-ray room provides opportunity for making simple and panoramic radiography images of the teeth and the jaws, lateral and anteroposterior tele radiography, and 3D and cone-beam computed tomography.
The focus of the scientific research carried out is optimization of diagnostics and treatment of dental and maxillofacial diseases, studies of the employed materials and oral health and quality of life technologies, the supervisor prof. dr. Alvydas Gleiznys.
The research fields are the following:
- Improvement in the clarification of the etiology and pathogenesis of the inflammatory diseases of periodontal and peri-implant tissues, advancing the performance of clinical trials, diagnostics, and treatment, and evaluation of the patients’ quality of life.
- Diagnostics and restoration of the defects in dental arches and changes in the occlusal curves.
Scientific research in the fields of maxillofacial and general pathology are performed, regularly is increasing the number of publications and staff of this Department are speakers at Lithuanian and international congresses.
Postgraduate studies
Department of Prosthodontics provides 3-year postgraduate residency studies in orthopedic odontology (dentistry) and doctoral studies.
Clinical practice
The Department of Prosthodontics provides specialized tertiary healthcare services to the people of Lithuania. Up to 3,000 patients visit Department within a single year. The specialists at the Clinical Department consult and treat patients with dental and maxillofacial pathologies, apply the most modern dental prosthetic and rehabilitation techniques, and treat and prevent temporomandibular joint dysfunctions. Competence, professionalism, knowledge, experience, and responsibility of the staff along with modern material and technologies allow to restore the masticatory function in most complicated cases.
Department of Dental and Oral Pathology
LSMU MA Faculty of Odontology
Department of Dental and Oral Pathology
Address: Eivenių str. 2, LT-50161 Kaunas
Phone: +370 37 326469
E-mail: dantų.ligos@lsmuni.lt

Prof. Vita Mačiulskienė
Head of the Department of Dental and Oral Pathology
Phone: +370 37 326681
E-mail: vita.maciulskiene@lsmuni.lt
Raimonda Balkuvienė
Study administrator
Phone: +370 37 326919
E-mail: raimonda.balkuviene@lsmu.lt
About Department
The mission of the Department of Dental and Oral Pathology includes education, research and clinical work. Students’ education is one of the major commitments: a considerable part of the studies is carried out here for second, third, fourth and fifth year students of Odontology and for third year students of Oral Hygiene. The curriculum includes pre-clinical as well as clinical subjects, such as Cariology, Endodontology, Periodontology and Oral Pathology. The major part of the curriculum comprises clinical experiences. There are three rooms for clinical training equipped with dental chairs. Second year students practice in a class of pre-clinical studies and improve their practical skills using dental simulators. Practical skills are obtained during clinical training guided by the teachers who are experienced clinicians of different specialties such as endodontics, periodontology and oral pathology. Lectures, seminars and computer-aided learning take place in diverse educational situations to support the main educational principles. Students’ self-learning and individual research are encouraged in order to develop an ability for a critical evaluation of literature.
The field of research – studies of clinical diagnosis and various treatment modalities of the dental and oral diseases, the supervisor is prof. dr. Vita Mačiulskienė.
Currently running projects:
- Evaluation of the diagnostic and prognostic value of different radiological methods such as CBCT and digital imaging, in patients with apical periodontitis;
- Clinical studies on different treatment strategies for patients with the periodontal diseases.
In collaboration with the scientists from Kaunas University of Technology, the clinical protocols for the improved mechanical root canal preparation are developed. A joint project with Beirut University (Lebanon) regarding the diagnosis of the dental pulp inflammation is under development as well.
Postgraduate studies

There is a number of separate courses with a different content available for continuing education of dental practitioners. They have a possibility to be acquainted with modern technologies in dentistry such as work with dental microscopes, rotary endodontic instruments, etc.
Clinical practice
The services available at the clinic are related to general dental care as well as to specialized diagnostics and dental treatment such as endodontics, periodontal surgery and diseases of oral mucosa. It is one of the largest referral centers for specialised dental care in Lithuania, the consultancy service is provided for patients with complicated cases referred to the Department from all over the country. The yearly turnover is about 16 000 dental visits for adult as well as for pediatric patients.