Center of Veterinary Medicine Simulation

About Center of Veterinary Medicine Simulation

Address: Tilžės st. 18, Kaunasdiegluojantisarklys.jpg (170x260, 170x227)

Head of the Center
Karolina Jankauskaitė

Vaida Jokubauskienė

On 28 of March, 2018 council of the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences made the decision to establish Center of Veterinary Medicine Simulation in LSMU Veterinary Academy Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The purpose of the Center is to enable the continuous training of practical skills in veterinary medicine by using veterinary medical simulation methods.

Veterinary medicine simulation center is the place, where students can learn practical skills without doing any harm to the animal, because artificial patients or their parts are used in the learning process (manikins, etc.). Each student can arrange their own individual practical session schedule, enabling them to study at their own pace. Practical skills are developed in a safe and stress less environment, where there is no risk of harming animals. Students might make mistakes and learn from them, which is an important part of the learning process. After getting some practical skills at the center students become well prepared for the clinical studies, internships and work. Laboratory workshops on practical skills and clinical subjects also take place at the Center of veterinary medicine.


pdf-logo.jpg (90x68, 68x68) Rules of the Center of Veterinary Medicine Simulation
pdf-logo.jpg (90x68, 68x68) VMSC List of Stations and Manikins

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injekcijuniukasirpagalvl.jpg (regular, 500x375)

Booking to Veterinary Medicine Simulation Center

VMSC Large animals and echoscopy      

VMSC Internal medicine and surgery 

VMSC OSCE stations                            

VMSC Propedeutics and microscopy